Welcome to the Map Club!

Hi and welcome to The Map Club! This is a blog that focuses on sharing fascinating information and tips regarding mapmaking. Here, I go beyond traditional cartography and look to challenge what you think you know about maps. I originally started my blog in 2019 for a school project, but it was a Weebly site that lacked the functionality that I needed. Therefore, I decided to start fresh with a legit platform that I can use to share my ever-increasing knowledge of maps.

My first map depicting my childhood home from the perspective of my younger self

I started this blog because I have always had a somewhat strange fascination with maps. The first event that sparked my interest was a US states and capitals competition in fourth grade, which I won. Afterward, I recognized a certain beauty in maps. Whenever I encountered one in books or history class, I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. Then, my eighth-grade geography class included various map quizzes, and I fell down a rabbit hole into the world of cartography. I haven’t been able to get out ever since.

In The Map Club, I look at the conventions of mapmaking and even try my hand at making my own maps. However, my main goal is to dive deeper than the surface (literally). I examine the role maps play in history and modern society as well as uncover the hidden power they hold. It’s truly amazing to see how multifaceted maps are. I feel like I can discover a whole new world through my blog.

So, if you have always felt a pull towards maps or want to develop a new perspective on the world, I invite you to join me on this cartographic journey. I promise you don’t need to know how to read a map or where a certain country is located in the world. The one thing you do need is an open mind. Come explore with me and dive right into some interesting content here.

If you are still unsure about this new blog, check out my previous blog which has many different posts covering a wide range of topics, such as Classifying Maps and Cartography and History I had originally planned to transfer my old posts to the new platform. However, after some consideration, I decided that it might be advantageous to break away from my awkward eighth-grade self and make a new name for myself as a map blogger.